colorscheme | string | The colorscheme to be set | colorscheme.lua |
diagnostics | table , function(table) | Modify the default vim diagnostics options | diagnostics.lua |
heirline.attributes | table , function(table) | Modify the section highlight attributes used by Heirline | heirline/attributes.lua |
heirline.colors | table , function(table) | Modify the section colors used by Heirline | heirline/colors.lua |
heirline.icon_highlights | table , function(table) | Modify which components should do dynamic icon highlighting Heirline | heirline/icon_highlights.lua |
heirline.separators | table , function(table) | Modify the section separators used by Heirline | heirline/separators.lua |
highlights.init | table , function(table) | Custom highlight groups for the all colorschemes | highlights/init.lua |
highlights.<colorscheme> | table , function(table) | Custom highlight groups for the specified theme, replace <colorscheme> with colorscheme name | highlights/<colorscheme>.lua |
icons | table , function(table) | Customize the icons used in the user interface | icons.lua |
lazy | table , function(table) | Modify the default lazy.nvim setup configuration table | lazy.lua |
lsp.capabilities | table , function(table) | Modify the default LSP capabilities table | lsp/capabilities.lua |
lsp.config.<lsp> | table , function(table) | Modify the LSP server settings, replace <lsp> with server name | lsp/config/<lsp>.lua |
lsp.flags | table , function(table) | Modify the default LSP flags table | lsp/flags.lua |
lsp.formatting | table , function(table) | Modify the formatting options described in the LSP Configuration Page | lsp/formatting.lua |
lsp.mappings | table , function(table) | Modify the buffer mappings that are set when a language server attaches | lsp/mappings.lua |
lsp.on_attach | function(client, bufnr) | Modify the default LSP on_attach function | lsp/on_attach.lua |
lsp.servers | table , function(table) | List of language servers to be set up that are already installed without mason | lsp/servers.lua |
lsp.setup_handlers | table , function(table) | Modify the lspconfig setup handler for a given language server, each key in the table should be a language server | lsp/setup_handlers.lua |
lsp.skip_setup | table , function(table) | List of language servers to guarantee the lspconfig setup is never called on automatically | lsp/skip_setup.lua |
mappings | table , function(table) | Modify the mappings table | mappings.lua |
options | table , function(table) | The vim.x.y variables to be set | options.lua |
plugins | table | Modify the lazy.nvim plugin specifications | plugins/<any_files>.lua |
polish | function() | Lua function to be run last. Good place for setting vim options and adding mappings | polish.lua |
text_icons | table , function(table) | Customize the text based icons used in the user interface when vim.g.icons_enabled = false | text_icons.lua |
updater | table , function(table) | The configuration for the AstroNvim updater | updater.lua |