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Dashboard Customizations

Customize Alpha Header

If you want to customize your header on the dashboard you can do this easily in the user/init.lua by overriding the alpha options:

return {
  plugins = {
      opts = function(_, opts) -- override the options using lazy.nvim
        opts.section.header.val = { -- change the header section value
          "    My Custom ",
          " Dashboard Header",

Open Alpha Automatically When No More Buffers

If you want to make the Alpha dashboard open automatically when you close the last buffer in your session you can add the following in your user/init.lua in your mappings table:

return {
  mappings = {
    n = {
      ["<leader>c"] = {
          local bufs = vim.fn.getbufinfo { buflisted = true }
          if require("astronvim.utils").is_available "alpha-nvim" and not bufs[2] then require("alpha").start(true) end
        desc = "Close buffer",